Dr. Thomas Michahelles
J.D. and Ph.D. in Law [Germany]; M.A. in Clinical Psychology [California];
Adjunct Professor of Psychology at CSU EastBay
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #23074
2901 Shattuck Avenue Suite E
Berkeley, CA 94705
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Your message to me:
  Minimum fee $150, maximum $200, scale
  based on 2% of your gross monthly income.

  For example:  if your gross monthly income
  is $8,000 then your fee is $160 per session.

  If you need a lower fee, please click here  
How I do supervision.

I bring extensive experience and training to this task and I do understand how difficult and anxiety provoking the start of a post master’s internship in private practice can be.

I will offer you a working alliance that will support you in your task of becoming a licensed therapist. I will be there for you during setbacks and ently challenge you on your growing edges.

I will celebrate your successes with you and will help you to expand your capacities as a psychotherapist.

How I do consulting.

I will respect and support your choice of your home base theory and encourage you to deepen it as we go along. Also, I believe that there is no one “true” theory -- we need to choose the theory that will inform and guide us about the case according to the needs of each particular client.

In addition, given my intensive training in the Masterson approach and Family Systems Theory, you will receive feedback from these two perspectives.

Given my background as a Ph.D. in Law, I have a particular interest in the emotional predicaments and challenges that being involved in the practice of law presents, not only professionally but also in the realm of personal relationships. My legal training helps me to know from the inside how my clients in the legal field might think and feel.

I am sensitive to the fact that lawyers are often maligned, as demonstrated by lawyer jokes, which often overlook the fact that many of us choose this field in order to advance the cause of fairness, equality and justice.

Die psychologische Arbeit ist zu einem nicht geringen Teil der Versuch unsere inneren Erfahrungen in Worte zu fassen. Oft ist die innere Erfahrung uns bekannt und klar, aber die Worte zu finden um das auszudrücken kann eine Herausforderung sein, in unserer Muttersprache, geschweige denn in einer Sprache, die wir als Erwachsene gelernt haben. Da Deutsch meine Muttersprache ist, bin ich in der Lage beide Sprachen zu verstehen.